If you’re thinking about something drastic
like suicide, take a few deep breaths and read on.
In the past I’ve
considered what you might be thinking because of things that appeared to be
impossible, self doubt, pressure to succeed, financial uncertainty, confusion
and things that seem too painful to continue.
Despite what
it seems like, it’s not as bad as you think, most likely.
Suicide is
not the answer to your problems, and it will never be.
In fact, it'll
only create a myriad of problems for your family and friends.
Extreme mental
and psychological pressure is normal among humans and you can expect it to
happen again several times (or more) in the future.
So, pushing
past what ever it is that put you where you are now is critical.
You CAN push past those thoughts!
It’s not easy
and it may take longer than you want, but trust me, you’ll be glad you did.
An anonymous
author writes: "It is better to have experienced love than to have never been
Now, that may
seem irrelevant, but there’s a parallel that can be applied.
There are many
things you have probably never experienced yet, regardless of your age.
Think about
it, what are the things you thought of as a child? Have you done any
of them yet? If so, think of some new things and do them. Make
a list and do what you need to do to make them become a reality.
Everyone has
things they hate in their life and there are things that they love too.
Overcome and
adapt. Rest in the things you like and pursue those things.
Find what you
perceive as your higher power.
If you follow
through with your thoughts (suicide), you’re making a public statement that
you don’t trust those who love you (family and friends).
If you believe
in a higher power (i.e. God), you’re also telling him/her that you don’t trust
him/her either.
Suicide is
the one most selfish act a person can commit.
Think about
what you're doing.
Some survivors
of (attempted) suicide say they're glad they didn't succeed because they immediately
thought of all the things they could have done in their lifetime.
Think of all
the things you'll miss.
- Family
- Friends
- Colleagues
- Events
- Goals
- The
next super bowl
- That
special sunset
- The
sound of rain hitting the roof
- Your
next trip in a plane
- A
clear and starry night
- The
smell just after it rains
- River
- The
buzz of a bee
- The
peace of a trickling creek
- That
trip to the South Pacific
- The
smell of a pine or eucalyptus forest
- The
color of a flower on a warm spring day
- The
next World Series
- The
Academy Awards
- Dancing
to your favorite song
- Doing
all your favorite things
Another author
writes: "I would rather err trying than not trying at all."
That is to
say, It's worth going for the things in life that matter, that have a purpose
and are morally and ethically sound.
If you don't
go for the things you want in life (other than suicide), you're making a mistake.
Go for what other's say is impossible and prove them wrong.
Just remember,
suicide is not an option! It's actually an option, but it's not a sound
option. Only the failures choose suicide. You don't have to fail.
You decide
whether you win, so choose to win. Choose life.
Think about
it. You'll be glad you didn't follow through with suicide later, trust
me, a survivor.
Remember one
thing, asking for help is a natural human reponse. It's not a sign of
anything but wisdom and is considered admirable.
are things to consider that should help you to cope with thoughts of suicide:
Spend time with family and friends. |
Get involved with after-school activities. |
Volunteer your services because everyone
has a lot to offer. |
Think and plan your future.
Set realistic goals. |
Try to be open with your feelings. |
Write your feelings and thought in a
journal or diary. |
Read books & subjects that encourage
you. |
Laugh! keep your sense of humor! |
Consider the importance of spirituality
in your life. |
Accept other’s thanks, compliments toward
you, and praise for you. |
Eat right! |
Exercise regularly. |
Don't tolerate physical, emotional,
or sexual abuse from anyone. Get help immediately! |
Seek help if you feel overwhelmed
or troubled. |
Give more than you receive. |
Help others and watch what happens in
your life - you feel better about yourself. |